I'm an award-winning blogger, writer, editor, content strategist, content designer, email marketer, and SEO pro for organizations who want to connect with the community and exceed business goals.

Mai Le

Content Writer & SEO Editor

I’m open to collaborations.

Some words

You Can Fight Climate Change and Boost Revenue — See How These Ecopreneurs Do It

A recent United Nations report predicts the earth will be unlivable within the decade if we aren’t able to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius. While this news might induce anxiety for us, ordinary citizens, it inspires climate action for a select few. These people have decided to help stem the tide of the climate crisis. They’ve dedicated resources to work on climate solutions. But they also bring a wealth of business acumen.

Social Entrepreneurs: 5 Consumer Brands that Started on Social

Starting a new business is always a gamble, but there are brands approaching this seemingly monumental task by flipping the traditional business model on its head. These social-first brands are making strides by experimenting with content, corporate social responsibility, delivery models, customer service, and good ol’ fashion PR comms. Let’s see what we can learn from these pioneers.

Crisis Management: How 3 Brands Recovered Right Away

It might be a side effect of how many of us live online, but brand crises seem to be coming at a faster clip than ever before.

Modern Customer Service on Twitter Is Also PR

Now that consumers expect customer social media customer service on Twitter, PR pros can use this opportunity to improve brand perception and deepen relationships with a highly engaged audience.

Throwing Shade on Social: Newsjacking and Negative PR

Brand schadenfreude is thriving in the current cutthroat 24/7 media cycle.